Masonic Essays & Papers
Please note: This Directory of Articles, Papers, and Essays has not been structured in any particular order, other than the time of publication. That on the first line being the last received and published.
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To the departed Bro. Peter Bu
(May 26, 1940 - March 24, 2022)
Annus horribilis (Everything you don't want to know - Tout ce que vous ne voulez pas savoir)
An anthology of Brother Peter Bu's works. (Français/English)
History of the Revival of Freemasonry in the former Czechoslovakia 1989-2006" - By Bro. Peter Bu.
The word, art and symbolic thought" - By Bro. Peter Bu.
The Freemasons stopped halfway" - By Bro. Peter Bu.
Does Freemasonry still make sense in the 21st Century?" - By Bro. Peter Bu.
Esoteric Teachings in Catholic Cathedrals (2007)— by Bro. Giovanni Lombardo
Prairie Charity Masonic Benevolence in Late Nineteenth Century Manitoba (Canada)— by Bro. Brian Rountree
Thoughts on "Pointlessness" — Gedanken zum Thema "Sinnlosigkeit". By Wolfgang Fritze
Four Lectures on MASONIC SYMBOLISM — April 2, 2022 at the Public Conference, Messina, Italy.
Freemasonry and the Art of Living (Freimaurerei und Lebenskunst) — By Bro. Hans-Hermann Höhmann.
The Rough and the Perfect Ashlars, and the Lambskin Apron — By Bro. Vincent Lombardo.
The Mystification of Léo Taxil — By Shawn Eyer (2010)
Old Charges — New Duties — By Bro. Hans-Hermann Höhmann.
Freemasonry and Social Values — By Bro. Wilhelm Gerbert.
The spirit by which we act … — By Bro. Jens Oberheide.
Undeterred by the Noise of the World. — By Bro. Ulrich Felsmann.
Wanting the Good, doing One's Best. — By Bro. Jens Oberheide.
Sixtheen good reasons to be a Mason — By Bro. Carlos Urban.
In search of a Masonic future — By Bro. Helmut Reinalter.
Skull and Masonic tools Mosaic in Pompeii Architects' House — By Bro.Giovanni Lombardo.
Politics and Religion - Do we have to be silent or do we have to act? — By Bro. Wolfgang Kreis.
Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay and Ramsay's Oration of 1737— Compiled and Edited by R∴W∴ Bro. Gary L. Heinmiller,
Director, Onondaga & Oswego Masonic Districts Historical Societies. [OMDHS]
Immortal Freemasons — Masones, inmortales. — A dissertation inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic,
by Bro. Dr. Deldhy Nicolás Moya Sánchez.
From Earth to Heaven. — A dissertation inspired by Leonardo's Vitruvian Man, by Bro. Giuseppe Leggiero.
Once upon a time there was a wise caterpillar. — A Masonic Fable, by Bro. Francesco Angioni.
Who comes here? The peculiar Traits of a Freemason, by Karlo Hameder.
Masonic Responsibility. The concept of participatory responsibility in Masonic praxis, by Bro. Francesco Angioni.
Petar J. Petrovic's slow Approach towards the Preparation Room. A documented Tale, by Karlo Hameder.
Interview with Prof. Remzi Sanver, PGM of the Grand Lodge of Turkey. By Emanuela Locci.
History of Freemasonry in Egypt By Emanuela Locci.
Lessing, Herder and the 21th Century Freemasonry By Bro. Francesco Angioni.
Stand up, my brothers, and fight back! By Bro. Wolf Thiel.
Network of socio-politically active Brethren. By Bro. Vincent Lombardo.
To be admitted into the Privileges and Mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry. By Bro. Vincent Lombardo.
Bro. Wolfgang Kurt Reuter, Ph.D. An extraordinary human being and a Freemason.
Guénon and Tradition. An Essay on the Writings of René-Jean-Marie-Joseph Guénon. - By Bro. Giuseppe Marco Accardo.
Tarot Cards — Major Arcana and Initiatic Path. An Essay on Esotericism and Masonry. - By Bro. Antonio Giacobello.
Salt, Sand and Sulfur: Some reflections about Hermeticism and Masonry. - By Bro. Giovanni Lombardo.
Religion — Source of Peace or Conflict? - Excerpts from the 20th of January 2018 Munich Colloquium on Faith and Religion.
Masons back into the Mainstream of Society - By MW Bro. Prof. Dr. Stephan Roth-Kleyer, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Germany.
How much Politics should Freemasonry tolerate?" - By Bro. Ralph Meixner.
The Neoplatonists of Cambridge." - By the MW Bro. Fabio Venzi, Grand Master of the GLRI
A Project for a "Modern" Freemasonry." - By the MW Bro. Fabio Venzi, Grand Master of the GLRI
Freemasonry and Analytic Psychology." - By the MW Bro. Fabio Venzi, Grand Master of the GLRI
Freemasonry, Third Pillar of Civilized Society." - By the MW Bro. Fabio Venzi, Grand Master of the GLRI
The Masonic Concept of Peace." - By the MW Bro. Fabio Venzi, Grand Master of the GLRI
Between Scientific Rationalism and Noetic Intelligence" The Perception of the Sacred in Scientific Inquiry:
A Holistic Vision.- By the MW Bro. Fabio Venzi, Grand Master of the GLRI
Science and Esotericism" The role of Initiatic Schools in Society.- By the MW Bro. Fabio Venzi, G. Master of the GLRI
The meaning of Tradition." - By the MW Bro. Fabio Venzi, Grand Master of the GLRI
The Process of Identification in the Initiatic Schools." - By the MW Bro. Fabio Venzi, Grand Master of the GLRI
The time has come to speak" - By Brother Alain de Keghel
Thoughts on the subject "Meaninglessness" - by Bro. Wolfgang Fritze
Ethics of Freemasonry - by Bro. P.M. Kershaw.
Serving Alcohol to Masons: Risk and Conflict Management at House Parties - by Bro. J. Taylor.
Universality and Tolerance - by Bro. V. Lombardo.
Are your Freemasons' Lodge Dues (Annual Fees) too Expensive? - by Bro. V. Lombardo.
What are the Duties of a Mason to his Lodge? - by Bro. V. Lombardo.
Mediocrity in Masonry . . . Shame on us!, - by ROBERT G. DAVIS, 33*, GRAND CROSS
About Solicitations, Atheists, and Libertines, - by Bro. Vincent Lombardo.
The Legacy and Collected Works of M.W. Bro. Raymond S.J. Daniels.
Study on the present conditions of Freemasonry in the world, - by Bro. Vincent Lombardo.
The true Nature of Masonry, - By Bro. Vincent Lombardo.
The Form of the Lodge and the World Chain of Brotherhood, - By Bro. Alfred Wilke.
Masonic Chain of Union, - By Bro. Giovanni Lombardo.
More about Karl Christian Friedrich Krause, - By C. Lenning, (1900).
The Birth of Freemasonry — The Creation of a Myth, - By Eric Ward, 1978.
Whither Directing Our Course? - By the Pro Grand Master, Lord Northampton.
The Eagle Feather, - As Symbol of Spirituality to our First Nation Brethren (equal to the
VOTSL of our non-First Nation Brethren). - By Bro. V. Lombardo, 2015.
'A LIVELLA, — The Masonic Level - a Poem by Bro. Prince Antonio de Curtis (Totò).
The Builder Magazine — 1915 - 1930 Editions — A Journal For The Masonic Student.
A MASONIC MINUTE — according to merit and ability - by RSJ Daniels.
A MASONIC MINUTE — Charity, Love, and God. - by RSJ Daniels.
A MASONIC MINUTE — To the Newly Made Mason. - by RSJ Daniels.
A MASONIC MINUTE — To a Candidate. - by RSJ Daniels.
A Critical Look at — Born in Blood, The Temple and the Lodge (and The Hiram Key)
(By A. W. Wood)
Whither Are We Travelling — About the Present Conditions of Freemasonry in North America.
(By Dwight L. Smith, P.G.M.)
Ghiblim. — An Essay in the Second Degree. - Translated by V. Lombardo.
History of the Grand Lodge of Prussia, called the Royal York of Friendship - An anthology.
Collected and translated by V. Lombardo.
Admonition Before Elections - by V. Lombardo.
Masonic Education — A Subject Too Often Overlooked - By R. E. Fletcher, PGM, Vermont
Raised a Year Ago - By Sam Hanafy.
What Freemasonry is not - By V. Lombardo.
This, is what Fremasonry was, and should be - By V. Lombardo.
An explanation of The Grand Honours. - By Rob Manz - reviewed by V. Lombardo (2014)
Freemasonry Is Elitist, an Address by R.W. Bro. Elliot Zovighian (2012)
Anderson's Constitutions (1723)
A Logical Conclusion - By William S. Hatcher, Ph. D.
Brotherly Love - By V. Lombardo.
Cuba 2009 Lecture - By V. Lombardo.
Cuba 2009 Lecture - Erasmo
Cuba 2009 Lecture - Report - By Ian D. Nichols.
In Eminenti (Papal Bull) — The First Condemnation.
Lodge Dues Card - Author Unknown.
A Masonic Address in Response to the Toast to G.L. - By M. A. Litvak, D.D.G.M. (2011)
Masonic Dress - By Giovanni Lombardo.
Orientations And Perambulations - By Giovanni Lombardo.
Peculiarities - 1st Degree - By Bro. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Peculiarities - E.A. Degree - By V. Lombardo.
Protocol, Etiquette and Essence of Canadian Freemasonry - By V. Lombardo (2011)
The Lewis (Author unknown)
The Initiation - By Bro. F. Calderoni.
Travel Diary of a Freemason in Cuba - By Bro. Luca Scarparelli