The Landmarks of Freemasonry
The Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry – Many among our ranks have no clue about what our landmarks are, or what a "landmark" is. To complicate things even more, Masonic authors and Masonic jurisdictions (Grand Lodges) throughout the world differ on the number and description of the Landmarks of Freemasonry. In our jurisdiction (the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario), a brother who is about to be installed as W. Master of his lodge must promise:
"…that I will not, during my term of office, or at any time a lodge shall be under my direction, permit or suffer any deviation from the established usages, customs and landmarks."
We weren't able to find a list of these landmarks on the official site of our Grand Lodge, Grand Lodge of Canada except for a research paper written by M.W. Bro. David C. Bradley in the Fall of 2002 for the "Ontario Mason Magazine about Landmarks (issue no longer found on the Grand Lodge of Canada website) where an account was given of the usage of the word "landmark" in relation to Freemasonry in time and place.
We were more successful with other sites, which we recommend to those who wish further light on the subject of Masonic Landmarks:
PIETRE-STONES REVIEW OF FREEMASONRY has an excellent article, "A MODERN EXAMINATION OF THE LANDMARKS OF FREEMASONRY", written by Bro. Terence Satchell of Rushmore Lodge 220, Grand Lodge of South Dakota, USA Landmarks of Freemasonry
That site has another article on this subject: "THE MASONIC LANDMARKS", written by Athena Stafyla, a Jurist, LL.M, Ph.D student at the University of Munich. We find Ms Stafyla's article well researched, detailed, and a pleasurable read. THE MASONIC LANDMARKS
Another site we highly recommend is The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon where the Landmarks of Freemasonry are listed, explained and commented on with a balanced approach. Landmarks of Freemasonry